A workaround for the 1000 row limitation on Active Directory Interface

While working on a simple system that would allow using Microsoft Word to mail merge documents to users on the network, I bumped into the proverbial 1000 row limitation imposed by the Active Directory interface.

My fancy solution involves creating a view out of a query which links SQL server to the Active Directory using linked server. Creating a linked server is another story entirely. Numerous tutorials exist on the Internet that show how to interlink all manners of data sources to Microsoft SQL Server.

Now, back to the issue at hand, the view in question shows only 1000 rows and in the organization where the solution is to be used, there are well over 2000 users on the Active Directory. Trolling the internet didn’t bring a respite as most workarounds required very long VB codes that are a mile from being elegant.

At the end of the day, I used a brute force; wrote a series of queries and union them together:

CREATE view ADInterface asselect * from openquery (
ADSI,’SELECT displayname,samaccountname,mail,employeeID
FROM ”LDAP://cve-hq-s001.dejiolowe.com”
WHERE objectCategory = ”Person” AND objectClass = ”user” AND employeeID > 0000 and employeeID<3000′)
select * from openquery (
ADSI,’SELECT displayname,samaccountname,mail,employeeID
FROM ”LDAP://cve-hq-s001.dejiolowe.com”
WHERE objectCategory = ”Person” AND objectClass = ”user” AND employeeID > 3001 and employeeID<4500′)
select * from openquery (
ADSI,’SELECT displayname,samaccountname,mail,employeeID
FROM ”LDAP://cve-hq-s001.dejiolowe.com”
WHERE objectCategory = ”Person” AND objectClass = ”user” AND employeeID > 4501 and employeeID<5500′)

ColdFusion bouncing outside bound emails

Recently, I added some features to a framework so that it could send emails (piece of cake on ColdFusion). Well, I got my own emails while testing but a while later, something made me check the undelivered folder for ColdFusion mail engine only to discover that all outward bound mails have been dropped there.

I was baffled. I checked the internet connections, they were working fine. The SMTP server was receiving mails from ColdFusion if not I wouldn’t have gotten those sent to me.

After banging my head on the walls for 30 minutes, I went to the IT department to check the configurations of the main Exchange 2003 server. There I discovered that IP addresses of servers that can use the Exchange server to route emails must be explicitly added. After doing that, the mails were still not going until I restarted my own ColdFusion server (I don’t know why I had to do that but it worked).

This is actually no rocket science. The Exchange server sends the internal mails because those ones are not being routed while external mails must be routed before they get to their destinations. And since the router only takes mails from specified IP addresses, mine was promptly bounced.

Meanwhile, shame wouldn’t allow me to say (now am saying it anyway) that I didn’t check my mail log files until after I have resolved my issues. In clear terms, ColdFusion logged it that my mails could not be sent as the SMTP router was rejecting them.

The agony of dude with a beer gut

It ain’t everyday you get to be called a dude and when you manage to be called one, you want to hold on fast like a leech to that even if the desperate talons of old age is fast clutching at your throat.

So you can imagine the shock of a self confessed dude who woke up one morning to discover that a beer gut has grown and attached itself firmly to his midsection. What a mess! What a disgrace!

Now, to be a dude, you gotta be trim, lanky and all the works, you know. You don’t need the six packs, four would do. Definitely, a beer gut is out of it. Not that you can’t consume beer but a dude must be able to drive through a line of bottles without his gut shooting out an inch.

With the dudeship about to be forcibly yanked away by the annoying beer gut that won’t hide itself, my dude (your dude) went about looking for subtle and drastic ways of sending the unwelcomed visitor away. The most obvious strategies were to cut back on food and hitting the gyms.

Cutting back on food wasn’t difficult because the dude could convince his wife that his new found hatred of food is good for the health of both of them (and the family inclusive) even though that is a dubious assertion on its own. Hitting the gym didn’t sound too nice because it involves strength of the mind that the dude hasn’t been able to call up. Of course, he lied to his wife, and everyone who tells him about the benefit of fitness that he’s a busy professional.

Running away from food has helped a bit but the beer gut is still hanging at the mid side though smaller. So it looks like the dude either goes to borrow strength of mind to hit the gyms or come to terms with the unwanted visitor.

The truth is, the dude is getting old and you can’t be young forever. Now, what can this suffering dude do?

Adobe RIA Conference in Nigeria

At last, the RIA beam has been focused on Nigeria.

The Nigerian Adobe User Group would be having an RIA conference to discuss and showcase what we Nigerian’s got to offer. ColdFusion and Flex are going to get serious scrutiny. I also heard that some bits of Apollo would be revealed. The conference would be from January 19 to 21, 2007 at Yaba College of Technology (But I gotta go to church!).

For those who don’t know, RIA stands for Rich Internet Applications, which is Adobe’s cut for the Web 2.0 paradigm. In all honesty, Adobe has been on the RIA stuff before the Web 2.0 apostles got their celestial callings.

For more information, please visit www.augng.com.