nThat Gbenga Obasanjo has stirred up the hornet’s nest is no news but have you read the rest of the interviews? Just plain juicy. Read it all at The Nigerian Village.
I 'v a new baby girl
Precisely at 1:55AM today, I got my brand-new baby girl. She looked so cool (but black her aunt Duronke doesn’t want that. She’s black and beautiful). For now, we call her baby BT.
Happy New Year!
Happy new year to everyone out there. May the good Lord make 2006 a year of blessings and prosperity. Amen
But you got to play your part: BE GOOD TO EVERYONE!
The Evils of Flash Forms
When Flash forms were first released by on CFMX7 everyone hooed and haaed it as the best thing that ever happened to UI development since Berners-Lee invented HTML.
Like others, I quickly ported some applications to Flash forms and I was grinning from ear to ear like a hobbit but it didn’t take long before I was brought down to reality. Brought down hard.One, on the local intranet, Flash forms are terribly slower than the forms they replaced. And if you want to talk about their excellent validations as a reason, there other nifty JavaScripts outside that do the same thing with less bandwidth affinity. That is on the intranet; the internet experience is even worse.
Two, Flash forms don’t scale well as if a browser is missing Flash player 7, and if it is not in an environment where it can upgrade itself, the whole application falls apart. You don’t see anything except some wicked looking red X mark. Duh!
Three, Flash forms are pretty but a lot of other forms could be made prettier. You even run into a brick wall when you want to style Flash forms as it only supports inline CSS. Man am gripping!
I did an application for some dudes which we tested extensively. Along the line, the group office decided to upgrade to an Active Directory environment with new security policies. Lo and behold, my whole application fell apart. I had to go back and recode all the portions with Flash forms to normal HTML forms with JS validations.
May be I am not smart, but in this case, Flash forms whipped me silly. I have learnt my lessons
What manner of Government…
I don’t know if we have been cursed with the fire brigade spirit. I don’t know why it takes disasters to make our government to move. And even when they move, it is so so clumsy.The recent spate of air crashes has been so devastating to the psyche of some regular air men like me. As a matter of fact, I haven’t been near an air plane since October 22 but I don’t know how long I can stay away.
It is instructive to note that people have been talking about our flying coffins for so long and yet the govt never did anything until planes started falling out of the sky. In fact, we could apportion more blame to the Obasanjo govt because we elected them to be our voice. He was given the mandate to select good people for the aviation sector and also powers to remove them. If he now fails to do that until disasters came knocking despite all the noise made, then he could be counted as negligent.
Now we have lost people. We have lost good people. I still had a dinner with a family a week before the husband/father perished in the Bellview crash. Good family with great potentials. The wife is a young beautiful woman but now, she a widow to take care of her daughter alone.
Look at Pastor Bimbo ‘Bims’ Odukoya. Never known anyone speak evil of her. She’s touched more lives than Obasanjo could touch in a 100 lives times combined together. Now she’s gone. Who will take up her ministry? Who will counsel those in emotional pain? I know God has a lot of people that could take over but that is not a consolation for just losing great people carelessly like that.
I live around the airport and everyday, my fear is that a plane should not fall over my roof. I tried to get insurance but the insurance dudes won’t insure me against diving aircrafts.
Now, I ask, why don’t these aviation people themselves ever die in crashes? Wouldn’t it have been better if all the people that died are the bad and corrupt politicians in Nigeria?
I still don’t know why angels die and the devils live for so long….