Configuring DB2 (Legacy) as Linked Server on MS SQL

Like I have discussed before, I have been banging my head against the table (I mean it!) on a project I am working on presently. This project involves writing fancy reports against very nasty databases. One, they are as old as my late grandfather (the oldest among the two) and two, the data is all messed up.I am writing more code to circumvent thrash data than to present the application itself.

I have tried some magic using CFMX query of queries but I guess that provide only dumd ass results. I remembered that while at my former work place, some fancy dude has connect the main Oracle DB to SQL server before as linked server. On I went to the net looking for resources. Now, DB2 is not a terribly popular database (It is mostly used by high-end enterprise organizations) not to talk of  a legacy version.

Anyway, after about a million years of trial by error, and a million pages of internet materials, I was able to link the two together. But my queries still won’t run with the four part notation (linkserver.catlog.schema.object). I tried and tried until I discovered that a bug on SNA server (corrected on service pack 4) doesn’t allow four part notation on DB2. So I finally settled down to the OpenQuery() method.

And to thrill my colleagues, I ran a query inner joining an EXCEL worksheet with a DB2 table….

Select b.*,scab+scan+scas accountNumber,scshn accountName from openquery(EQX,
‘select * from S44K7816.KFILKLV.scpf where scan=”783227”’) a, EXCEL_AUTHORS…sheet2$ b
where a.scan=b.[ID]

I can now go home and sleep in peace.

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Author: Adedeji Olowe

Adedeji / a bunch of bananas ate a monkey /

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