BroApp Makes Love Perfect!

I dreamed about it, talked about it. Well, it’s here. You know dreams can come true sometimes.

Introducing the BroApp – an app that takes the pain out of dating or relationship, especially when you are into a pesky, attention hungry woman. I’m not a misogynist (far from it!) but some ladies need more attention than a tropical plant grown in the Appalachian Trail.

Of course some men need attention too – constantly badgering their women with needy calls and SMS. They cry like ninnies.

So BroApp is here to help – configure it and it constantly send messages to your significant self (or their assistants, he he he). But it is smarter than just that. It knows when you are at your GF’s place, so it keeps quiet. Doesn’t send any message when you have recently sent one and it is super hidden on your phone. Still wondering what it does if you hang out on a weekend trip with your babe and then it sends that darn message! The Lord have mercy on your soul.
Before you head to the pantry to grab your nail and hammer to hang me on a rusty cross, why can’t we use technology to better a frosty relationship? After all, we all use Skype to get in touch. I hate the damn thing!

I can imagine the revulsion of my friends about this. After all, I have gotten almost slapped for suggesting artificial womb, bionic eyes, etc. But the no one ever thinks it is strange flying in a plane. Some say that if God wanted abc, he would have done xyz. Meanwhile, why wasn’t anyone born with a radio chip implanted?

So let technology or apps like BroApp flourish so the average Joe like me could focus on more interesting things.

Execution is Everything

Execution trumps strategy. Fancy plans mean nothing without disciplined implementation. Discover why in this insightful blog post.

Strategy is everything. Or maybe strategy is nothing. Nobody ever becomes anything just by thinking about it. Same way companies that rely on fancy strategies from expensive over creamed consultants never get any where.
What’s the rant?

Watch the insane video on this link and you understand:

Execution is everything.
I have studied countless organizations and the biggest problem I see isn’t lack of strategy or smart guys but just lack of execution. It isn’t even lack of process or policy documents. It’s the lack of discipline to follow one.
A poor process well followed is way better than a good one not adhere to.
Two Ferraris backing each other with a link chain between them can rev as high as they want; A stupid snail will blaze past them.

Samsung Galaxy S4 Keyboard Sucks. The Internet is a blessing. SwiftKey Rocks

Galaxy S4 Keyboard is poor and should be replaced. Had a problem with mine and replaced it with SwiftKey.

It’s early morning and I know I should be hugging the road to work instead of harassing the world with my ranting.

I barely managed S4 inbuilt keyboard and then one day the insane software lost all my learned words and wouldn’t learn any new grammar. Like it suddenly got tired of going to school!  Imagine typing local food names in Yoruba and the crazy keyboard starts suggesting words that ensures my jail time is calculated with a computer.

Anyway I hit my second brain;  The Internet.  Drums roll!

Apparently Sammy has been doing this to a lot of people. After bumbling around for a few minutes, I saw a gazillion good reviews of SwiftKey. Someone even said it saved her marriage, healed her of cellulite, yada yada. Ok, that was a joke.  I have used it for a few minutes now and it works as recommended. I just typed this post on it (and corrected the typos and poor grammar on a keyboard at work).  I dare not do that on a stupid Sammy keyboard, I will probably be tied down from the keyboard-induced insanity by now.

If you use Galaxy S4, this is the keyboard for your phone:
It is a trial but I’m gonna pay for this!

Olowe of Ise

I used to wonder what our older folks were up to like 200 years ago – most often I come up with nothing apart from OduduwaLamurudu stories which obviously are folklore. Not that Oduduwa didn’t exist, I just don’t believe he fell out of the sky. Granted, there were some stories of Benin and their wondrous artifacts which the British stole.

Surely my Pales weren’t living in caves – and it wasn’t all about Ijapa and Yannibo.

But there was some dude, Olowe of Ise. He’s probably one of, if not, the greatest African sculptors who ever lived. He carved some magical doors and lintels; one is still at the British Museum till date. He was from Ise-Ekiti but worked far and wide. I’m not sure if I got my name from his but then, who would mind? You can read more about some of Olowe of Ise Biography on Wikipedia and see some of his doors here.

The only amazing, or do I say sad thing, about him is that the average lad on the street of Lagos, or Ise for that matter, doesn’t even know him. We all know about Lawrence of Arabia, King Arthur, bla bla, yet we don’t know such a great gem of history.

Van Damme Epic Split on Volvo is Inspiring!

I’m generally a positive person. Or so I think. Some of my friends don’t think so but who cares about them anyway?

How has this got to do with this post?

Ok, some random friend shared Volvo’s advert with me. The Jean Claude Van Damme (JCVD) advert is currently trending nicely on the internet but the most important thing for me is the deep message – you can be what you want to be irrespective of time. JCVD has gone through a fair share time of ups and down but at over 50, he’s got an incredible body. If I did that split, I would be paralyzed for life.
By now you would have known that I have the mentality of geezer but a never say die one.

Jean Claude Van Damme doing the famous Epic Split for Volvo
Go one JCVD, inspire us not to give up!