Google Drive – Spanner thrown into cloud storage works

Google finally opened up the Google online storage locker today. Or was it the day before yesterday? But then who cares. All I know is that I now have 5GB of space on Google Docs to store as much dross as my heart desires.
So what’s dropbox’s gonna do?

Over the next few days, I expect Mountainview to bring a slew of mobile apps out so we can video just anything that moves and save it right there. Oh, did I forget that Google owns YouTube. More view means more advert opportunities.

If only Nibbles, our communal doggy, can do a dance routine for me…

As she flew away, her wings whipped the air gently

She came on a quiet Sunday (May 19, 1946) but left on not such a quiet note. On April 7, 2012  DT Olowe was buried. A perfect example of what we should aspire to be.

She flew away serenely, never to be seen again. As her wings whipped the air gently; we the kids were supported by mortal men; those with the heart of gold.

On behalf of my siblings and extended family, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has offered support, love and a shoulder to wet with our tears.

The good Lord shall be with you all.

Ojó á jìnà sí ara. Àmín

God Took His Angel Away

On September 28, 2009, my dad quietly left me behind to be with the Lord. I took comfort in my mum. An angel in flesh.

No one ever had a bad word to say about her. Stern and born a headmistress, but she had love thoroughly coursing through her veins, dishing help left, right, and center.

She ate through books like a proper bookworm. Always working. Super inquisitive.

God felt we have had it too good. Maybe we were getting too comfortable to think she was mortal like us. He suddenly and forcibly reminded us that she’s more of His than of us.

So on March 15, 2012, God took my mother away. Never for me to see her again.

Never to share a moment with her again.

I’m sad. Cranky. But yet grateful for the life she led.

When I grow up, I want to be like her.

Sleep well. DT Olowe.

From 6, then 5. And all the other numbers you can think of.

Nigerian House of Confusion

Farouk Lawan: What is Nigeria’s daily fuel consumption?
Diezani: 52million Liters
NNPC: 35m liters
DPR: 43m liters
PPPRA: 24M liters
Okonjo: 40M liters
Farouk Lawan: What was the subsidy for 2011?
Dieziani: 1.4Trillion
Okonjo: 1.3Trillion
CBN: 1.7Trillion
Farouk Lawan: Can we have the KPMG REPORT?
Okonjo: I have to go through the report first
Diezani: I have not seen the report
Farouk Lawan: What is the production capacity of our local refineries?
NNPC: 30%
PPPRA: 20%
DPR: 13%
Diezani: 15%
Farouk Lawan: Does Nigeria pay subsidy on locally refined Products?
Diezani: It depends
NNPC: The lay man cannot understand how it’s done
Farouk Lawan: Why is Kerosene still scarce?
Diezani: Because its use by the aviation industry as aviation fuel
NNPC: Because there is no subsidy so NNPC overstretched its resources
PPPRA: it’s not properly deregulated
Farouk Lawan: what is the balance in the subsidy accounts?
Diezani:It’s a virtual account
NNPC: There is no account in existence as the lay man will look at it
PPPRA: The account is a technical one
CBN: There is no account with us for subsidy
Okonjo: The account exists but not with a bank.