The world will change and it would be in Graphene. I have known about this wonder material for years but no where has it been described better than this. Trust me, if we ever get this done – the world is going to end, what happened at Babel would be child’s play.
Cashless Nigeria by Force, by Fire!
I was recently reviewing a CBN report on Cashless Nigeria and it is scary to know that 65% of Cash in Circulation is outside the banking system. I guess everything the CBN can do to cajole those who have ecstasy at the sight of cash wouldn’t work. Time we did it differently. What will happen if the CBN changes the Naira design with 1 year for everyone to comply or the Ghana-must-go of cash becomes an anthropological artifact? The whole cash would have to come to the banks to be changed, isn’t it?
What if the CBN puts a cap on the amount you can get back as cash but the rest has to be paid into some accounts, even if it is a mobile wallet? What if there is no penalty for pay in but there is for cash out?
We have done even crazier things in Nigeria and we can pull this off. The whole Cashless stuff is kind of tiring when you consider the efforts guys have put in but then nobody said it’s gonna be easy. The rest of the country is going to be on Cashless in few months and I hope we can drag them kicking and screaming into the new dispensation.
BroApp Makes Love Perfect!
I dreamed about it, talked about it. Well, it’s here. You know dreams can come true sometimes.
Introducing the BroApp – an app that takes the pain out of dating or relationship, especially when you are into a pesky, attention hungry woman. I’m not a misogynist (far from it!) but some ladies need more attention than a tropical plant grown in the Appalachian Trail.
Of course some men need attention too – constantly badgering their women with needy calls and SMS. They cry like ninnies.
So BroApp is here to help – configure it and it constantly send messages to your significant self (or their assistants, he he he). But it is smarter than just that. It knows when you are at your GF’s place, so it keeps quiet. Doesn’t send any message when you have recently sent one and it is super hidden on your phone. Still wondering what it does if you hang out on a weekend trip with your babe and then it sends that darn message! The Lord have mercy on your soul.
Before you head to the pantry to grab your nail and hammer to hang me on a rusty cross, why can’t we use technology to better a frosty relationship? After all, we all use Skype to get in touch. I hate the damn thing!
I can imagine the revulsion of my friends about this. After all, I have gotten almost slapped for suggesting artificial womb, bionic eyes, etc. But the no one ever thinks it is strange flying in a plane. Some say that if God wanted abc, he would have done xyz. Meanwhile, why wasn’t anyone born with a radio chip implanted?
So let technology or apps like BroApp flourish so the average Joe like me could focus on more interesting things.
Execution is Everything
Execution trumps strategy. Fancy plans mean nothing without disciplined implementation. Discover why in this insightful blog post.
Strategy is everything. Or maybe strategy is nothing. Nobody ever becomes anything just by thinking about it. Same way companies that rely on fancy strategies from expensive over creamed consultants never get any where.
What’s the rant?
Watch the insane video on this link and you understand:
Execution is everything.
I have studied countless organizations and the biggest problem I see isn’t lack of strategy or smart guys but just lack of execution. It isn’t even lack of process or policy documents. It’s the lack of discipline to follow one.
A poor process well followed is way better than a good one not adhere to.
Two Ferraris backing each other with a link chain between them can rev as high as they want; A stupid snail will blaze past them.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Keyboard Sucks. The Internet is a blessing. SwiftKey Rocks
Galaxy S4 Keyboard is poor and should be replaced. Had a problem with mine and replaced it with SwiftKey.
It’s early morning and I know I should be hugging the road to work instead of harassing the world with my ranting.
I barely managed S4 inbuilt keyboard and then one day the insane software lost all my learned words and wouldn’t learn any new grammar. Like it suddenly got tired of going to school! Imagine typing local food names in Yoruba and the crazy keyboard starts suggesting words that ensures my jail time is calculated with a computer.
Anyway I hit my second brain; The Internet. Drums roll!
Apparently Sammy has been doing this to a lot of people. After bumbling around for a few minutes, I saw a gazillion good reviews of SwiftKey. Someone even said it saved her marriage, healed her of cellulite, yada yada. Ok, that was a joke. I have used it for a few minutes now and it works as recommended. I just typed this post on it (and corrected the typos and poor grammar on a keyboard at work). I dare not do that on a stupid Sammy keyboard, I will probably be tied down from the keyboard-induced insanity by now.
If you use Galaxy S4, this is the keyboard for your phone:
It is a trial but I’m gonna pay for this!