Global Challenges: Students Leaders not Left Out

The world is getting increasingly difficult to manage by the world leaders alone. I guess this is the drive of the organizers of the One World One Society conference taking place at the University of East London between 16th and 17th of November 2007. They want to show an international gathering of student leaders how to impact the world.

But what can student leaders really do to combat challenges facing the global society?

ColdFusion 8 and KTML

A recent upgrade of a CF7 to CF8 sent my blood temperature past the 100C redline when the editor of a content management system went belly up. The bug is a curious one: CF8 now has some new functions (filedelete, filecopy, filewrite, etc) which are in conflict with functions in the KTML for CF version.

This is a little annoying considering that Adobe has acquired Interakt, the maker of KTML. Only God knows thousands of KTML installation that has gone crazy.

Now, not all versions of KTML have the source code so those hapless victims are in for it. For me, all I did was look for the functions and where they were called and changed the function names.

Investor Delight

My long time friend, Ponle Holloway, just released a nifty tool to help those of us who have stock accounts scattered all over the place. It’s a website where you can register your stock portfolio and track the performance (or under performance if you are not the lucky type) of your stocks online.

The service is free and it even sends you a daily mail so you might not need to login again unless you want to add or remove entries from your portfolio.

You can give the website a try at

ColdFusion 8 Rocks!

ColdFusion 8 rocks and that is all I have been seeing and reading from the community. It seems am the only one left out (Duh!): I have been freaking busy. So busy that the Beta installer has been sitting on my test server and I have not even clicked on it once to install.

Once I’m through with my current assignments, there would be enough time to unleash the CF Dragon all over the place. I can’t wait to try out the new AJAX and PDF features to wow my colleagues and make their .NET codes look like a piece of wet and cold spaghetti.

Is this the way it will all end?

The get rich quick scheme is not native to Nigeria. Can we assume that the punishment for gullibility or greed would not skip the Nigerians that have thrown caution to the wind and want to reap where they haven’t sown. I don’t know and I don’t really care that much.

Just reading on BBC about the Ponzi scheme in Kenya and how some people have been cleaned out. Also, Central Bank of Nigeria just released a circular about the danger of the wonder banks but people are still pouring their hard earned money into this bottomless pits. I know some people will get paid but those who won’t will be the ones to suffer for this.

You can read the story here.