How Do I Accept Payments on my Website? Part 5

The adventure with Magento for web payment came to a crashing end faster than I thought. Like my previous post explained, Magento is extremely powerful and highly configurable. However, it doesn’t lend itself to ease of deployment or management.

It has just way too many settings and configurations that could drive even a mad man insane. For the middling developers, the structure is bloated and cumbersome with thousands of files and annoying folder structure.

So I’m giving up on it for a while to try another approach. Maybe it would be osCommerce, OpenCart, etc. my research should tell me. But whether I like it or not, we have to crack this online payment experiment.

In the midst of my frustration, I have left my friend, fellow executive guinea-pig extremely angry and taciturn.

But it seems I’m not alone. As far back as 2009, Magento has been driving people nuts.

Author: Adedeji Olowe

Adedeji / a bunch of bananas ate a monkey /

One thought on “How Do I Accept Payments on my Website? Part 5”

  1. Hailings bruv,
    You can try, easy to set up with free basic plan allowing you to get a feel of different applications and platform is already integrated with some payment processors.
    Hope this will be helpful.
    Best Regards.

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