Mixing Omo with Klin

Akpor asks teacher: Excuse me ma, if you mix Omo and Klin, will there be foam?

Teacher responds: Yes of course, why ask such a stupid question at the beginning of the year, are you going to pass this class at all?

Akpor laughs and whisper to the other kids, such a dumb teacher, how can you get foam without adding water, are we going to know anything at all with dis teacher?

Posted while on the move

Let the weak say I'm strong

Let’s stop excusing our state in life with the phrase, “size doesn’t matter,” because that doesn’t always apply. It is the small that find refuge in the quote.

The verdict is out. Contrary to the catchphrase “size doesn’t matter,” penis size may matter in bed

Study Finds: http://t.co/rRw4htnE via @NBCNews

Dr. Ego B. Etta had this to say…
Poor people will often say to the rich “money can’t buy happiness”. The guys driving Kia will tell me it’s only a 5-minute difference in arrival time away from my Mercedes.

People who live in Badagry will tell us VI residents Badagry has ‘clean air’.

People who support Arsenal will say ‘Arsenal plays entertaining football’… Hmm…let the weak say I Am Strong, And the Small continue believe Size Doesn’t Matter

Posted while on the move

Akpos Night Drive

Thank God, Akpos finally hammer and buys a new Automatic BMW X6 sport.
He drives the car perfectly well during the day, but at night the car just won’t move at all.

He tries driving the car at night for a week but still no luck.
He then furiously calls the BMW dealers and they sent out a technician to him.
The technician asks,
“Sir, are you sure you are using the right gears?”

Full of anger Akpos replies,
“You fool, idiot man, how you could ask such a question, I’m not stupid! I use D for the Day and N for the Night.”

Posted while on the move.