A Badass Organism called Tardigrade

Think about an animal that could:

  1. Chill in ice up to -200 °C and then come out like it was just a cold shower
  2. Run around in a kettle of water boiling off at 150 °C and pretend it is a lame sauna
  3. Hang around in space without a space suit and still live to tell the story
  4. Go on hunger strike for 120 years and then break the fast like it was just Lent
  5. Go pheasant hunting in the ruins of Chernobyl and make gamma rays look like wussfess

Sincerely, I didn’t make those up. There is a badass organism no one has ever heard about called the Tardigrade. It does all these and a lot more. If only I can do half of that, my swag would have no equal

Galaxy S4 is Awesome. Yawn!

The S4 is the new kid on the block and it’s an absolutely fondle mobile. Think about it, it’s got every thingamajig on earth. 5-inch super amoled screen, a zippy new Samsung Exynos 5 or Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro processor. The only thing it doesn’t do now is brew coffee.

It is amazing how quickly we have arrived at a point where a new phone doesn’t awesomely shock us anymore. The specs are converging, the laws of hand-held mechanics are getting to a point of breach.

Can someone remember when people drool over PC config (memory, hard disk, sound)? Those times have gone – nobody cares. Nobody ever comes around to check out the sexy new laptop you slugging around. Even the tablet life is reaching that point.

So, I guess by the time Galaxy reaches the S6, it wouldn’t make news anymore. unless maybe it could make coffee but then every Chinese knockoff would be making coffee too.

Scientists Network Rat Brain. Coming to a Moron Near You

Surprising news this morning. Some mad scientists have been able to network two rats’ brains together. Awesome!

I guess it is a matter of years before that feature is available to the next moron near you. Or maybe if our leaders’ brains can be networked with decent leaders in other countries where things work. Fat chance.

Oh, by the way, the implications are far reaching. Imagine I need to solve a problem, I could tap into a network brain (Amazon Neural Mesh, say) and have the thoughts done and downloaded to my gray mush.

In fact, I could go on holiday while all my critical thoughts are handled by some badass brain somewhere.

Or if I’m out of job, I could rent my brain out for free. But considering some of the evil thoughts I run through every time, I doubt the quality of my output.

Wait, what if a brain freezes?

You think I made this up? Read it here..

Can I watch that please?

Online check-ins revolutionized air travel by letting you choose seats and meals. But why can’t we pick any movie for in-flight entertainment? Personalizing flights further would be amazing!

A gazillion year ago, you had to bribe the snotty girl at the counter to put you on a good seat. If you are snotty as she is, then you are out of luck. Trust me; you will end up sandwiched between two guys who could stink a hog into submission without any trace of metabolic conversion gene in their DNA streams.

Then some folks invented online check in. Now you could choose your seat. Then you could choose your meal. Ok, Delta invented paying to move your seat nearer the front of the plane and additional patent covered getting on the plane ahead of others.

Oh, you can even make calls on some flights now but at $5 a minute, it would probably be you saying your last good bye. Because if you were going to pay for that, how long could you talk? Poor man talk.

The screens on the popular sides are getting bigger so the movies are easier on the eyes. Sound is still poor though. Like some dinosaur gasping for last breathe.

So if I could choose my seat, select my chow, why can’t I just select all the crazy movies I want to watch on a flight? Maybe porn won’t be allowed but someone should be able to get Basic Instincts in between the list. I could select my magazine too or maybe my music selection. Can I tear off the screen and read/watch off my laps?