Online check-ins revolutionized air travel by letting you choose seats and meals. But why can’t we pick any movie for in-flight entertainment? Personalizing flights further would be amazing!
A gazillion year ago, you had to bribe the snotty girl at the counter to put you on a good seat. If you are snotty as she is, then you are out of luck. Trust me; you will end up sandwiched between two guys who could stink a hog into submission without any trace of metabolic conversion gene in their DNA streams.
Then some folks invented online check in. Now you could choose your seat. Then you could choose your meal. Ok, Delta invented paying to move your seat nearer the front of the plane and additional patent covered getting on the plane ahead of others.
Oh, you can even make calls on some flights now but at $5 a minute, it would probably be you saying your last good bye. Because if you were going to pay for that, how long could you talk? Poor man talk.
The screens on the popular sides are getting bigger so the movies are easier on the eyes. Sound is still poor though. Like some dinosaur gasping for last breathe.
So if I could choose my seat, select my chow, why can’t I just select all the crazy movies I want to watch on a flight? Maybe porn won’t be allowed but someone should be able to get Basic Instincts in between the list. I could select my magazine too or maybe my music selection. Can I tear off the screen and read/watch off my laps?